is top job listings website

Jooble is a vertical job search engine that aggregates and displays job ads from thousands of job boards, corporate, recruiter pages and newspapers. Jooble is represented in 71 countries and available in 24 languages. The company is based in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Jooble is in the top 1000 most visited sites in the world, and as of December 2019, the second most visited job search site (after Indeed) with 90 million visits per month on average and roughly 950 million visits during 2019.
The geography of income is quite diversified as no country brings more than 7% of the total revenue. 60% of all revenue comes from Europe.

Crawler technology
Jooble has developed a specific technology which aggregates job listings from small websites. The search robot independently finds websites with job ads and adds them to the search index. Jooble aggregates 40 million vacancies from over 250,000 sources. Each vacancy is checked at least 4 times a day for relevance.
Check out  to look for job opportunities.