Internet Marketing Strategies and Drupal Tips

Mar 30 2024

Are You Making PPC Work For You?

Of all the digital marketing trends out there, one that has sustained pretty well is pay-per-click, or PPC, which has been proven to be very effective and to generally draw a lot of traffic quite easily to one website or page. If you are using PPC for your business, and you want to make sure that you are doing so effectively, there are a lot of things that you might want to bear in mind here in order to make sure you do it right.

Mar 12 2024

4 Scenarios That Could Damage Your Business (And What To Do)

When you pour your heart and soul into your business, it’s totally understandable that you want to do everything in your power to protect it. But, doing that isn’t always a cut and dry process, especially in the age we live in where there are lots of threats to keep in mind. Thankfully, you can get a head start on these threats by thinking of potential negative issues and putting safety measures into place. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of those scenarios now and talk about what you can do to keep your business safe from dangerous threats.

Feb 10 2024

Making Customer Interactions A Key Part Of Your Marketing Strategy

Every businesswoman understands the importance of a strong marketing strategy. However, it’s equally crucial to think about the impact of customer interactions. Aside from enhancing your brand image, they will go a long way to helping you gain increased loyalty from existing clients. 

The big question, then, is “How can I use customer interactions to aid the marketing strategies?”. Here’s all you need to know.

Dec 16 2023

Google Analytics: A Comprehensive Guide to Tracking Website Data

Understanding user behavior on your website is critical in today's data-driven world for making educated decisions that promote growth. In this case, Google Analytics is useful.

Google Analytics is a powerful tool for company owners, marketers, and content creators, delivering essential insights capable of changing and increasing your digital footprint.

Moreover, Google Analytics can provide comprehensive data, crucial in making informative decisions and implementing significant changes to your online presence.

In this blog, let us understand the significance of Google Analytics and how to use it to boost our online presence and improve data.

Nov 6 2023

How To Get Started In Business Data Analysis

Dealing with volumes of company and customer information can be very intimidating. But analyzing company data is also important, as it will help your business forecast performance, optimize your operations, and identify important trends. Analyzing customer data is crucial for understanding customer behavior and preferences. This way, you can make informed decisions about tweaking your products and services to improve customer satisfaction and drive sales. If you’re new to business data analysis, here are some tips to get you started.

Nov 6 2023

Reasons To Exhibit Your Business At Conferences And Exhibitions

If you have a business, whether it be a bakery business, a corporate product company or a sales firm, you want to get the word out there. Marketing your company is vital for making sales, increasing your reach and taking your success to new heights. One of the most common ways for businesses to bring in more customers is through a conference or exhibition. These can often be shunned as they are thought of as expensive, but if they are done right, you stand to make your invested money back and so much more. In this article we look at some reasons to exhibit your business and why it can be such a fantastic thing for you to do.

Oct 16 2023

Trends in Digital Marketing to Watch in 2023

The environment constantly changes to reflect recent technological advancements, consumer
trends, and market forces. It's essential to stay on top of the curve and foresee the trends
shaping the market in the upcoming year to keep your brand at the forefront of the online

Oct 10 2023

Take A Look At The Online Side Of Your Business And Work Out How You Can Improve

Focusing on the online side of your business is going to be important, especially when you consider that we now live in the age of technology. There is very little that you can do these days that isn’t going to have a massive impact on your business, either positively or negatively, which is why you want to get it right. In this piece, we’re going to be focusing specifically on the online side of your business, and what you can do to improve this so that your business sees better results. Have we got your interest? Good. 

Sep 19 2023

Improving Customer Retention: 5 Digital Marketing Strategies To Try

Customer retention is vital to any business's success. When it comes to marketing, focusing your efforts on retention over acquisition can afford you better results and improved customer satisfaction rates. It is 6 to 7 times more expensive to acquire new customers than retain existing ones, and Harvard Business Review states that improving customer retention by just 5% can boost sales by 25 to 95%.

Aug 7 2023

How To Keep Google Off Your Back

If you are concerned with your privacy and freedom, and you want to make sure you are taking care of both as best as you can, there are a few things you might want to look into. One that is likely to prove particularly important is the role that Google plays in all this. As a company, Google profits from the personal data of its users, but if you don’t want to be tracked by the tech giant then there are some steps you can take to keep them off your back. Let’s see what they are.